How To Make Copra Meal, A Mixture Of Animal Feed To Reduce Production Costs

How To Make Copra Meal, A Mixture Of Animal Feed To Reduce Production Costs

Copra meal or coconut meal is a by-product of desiccated coconut meat. After the coconut meat is extracted from the oil, the remaining coconut pulp can be processed into a copra meal.

Then, how to make a copra meal? Does it look hard?

How To Make A Copra Meal

Functions Of Copra Meal For Livestock 

Copra meal can be used to mix animal feed. The goal is to reduce feed production costs. Mixing local animal feed with copra meal can be done by processing the dregs first.

Copra is coconut meat that is dried by the drying technique. The manufacture of copra is usually used for the manufacture of copra oil which has various benefits.

The copra meat will then be ground into a coarse shape, then filtered to produce oil.

Oil from dried copra can later be used for various purposes such as cooking oil, diesel fuel, and others. Meanwhile, the copra filtered dregs can later be made into copra meals.

How To Make A Copra Meal?

Dried copra dregs can be made into copra flour. How to make copra flour from the pulp? You can collect all the copra dregs from the filter first.

While collecting copra dregs, prepare the stove and frying pan and turn on the stove fire. Heat a frying pan but without oil or water. When it is hot, put the dried copra pulp into the frying pan.

Is it just enough there? How to make the next copra meal? Heat the copra dregs on the stove fire without using oil. This is usually called roasting, which is the process of ripening food without using oil or water.

The process of heating Bapst dregs can be done with your estimated time. Can be done for 10 minutes, or even more. After heating the pulp, remove the copra pulp and transfer it to a container.

These heated dregs can be mixed with animal feed in general. The dregs can also be called copra meal or coconut meal.

Copra flour can be mixed directly with animal feed, or you can add a little water to even out the mixture. Mixing this animal feed will reduce the cost of feed production, and also provide nutrition to livestock, especially chickens.

copra meal

The Nutritional Content Of Copra Flour 

Copra meal is used as a mixture of animal feed not without reason. Rather, it has a large nutritional content so that it is expected to be able to complete nutrition for livestock.

The high protein content is found in copra meal. Useful for the formation of the main energy and protein source for livestock. In addition, the use of copra meal in animal feed will reduce belly fat in livestock.

It can save the cost of feed production, so the profit will be greater. Many farmers use copra meal as a feed mixture for their livestock.

That’s information about how to make copra meal. Not difficult is it? You can make it yourself at home if you already have dried copra pulp. You can also get dried copra pulp from copra producers, or the market near you.

What is Grated Copra? It Turns Out That it can Produce Quality Coconut Oil

What is Grated Copra? It Turns Out That it can Produce Quality Coconut Oil

Coconut trees can thrive in Indonesia because it has a tropical climate. So that coconut becomes one of the leading commodities. The processed products are m oil from grated coconut, so what is grated copra? 

Copra and other parts of the coconut have been marketed worldwide. Starting from coconut meat, shell, coconut powder, to grated copra. Grated copra is coconut meat that has been dried, then crushed by coarsely chopped.

what is grated copra

Copra Grater Process 

Dry coconut meat with one of the drying techniques, for 3-5 days. The dried copra is then crushed to form coarse pieces. Furthermore, coarsely chopped can be squeezed to take the oil. 

Copra with good quality and suitable for sale is the one that has a moisture content of about 6-7%. Because it will affect the grated copra. What is grated copra? Does it affect the quality of the oil?

Grated copra which has a moisture content exceeding 7%, will affect the results. The resulting oil will be of low quality. In addition, copra with a high moisture content will be more susceptible to decay. 

Produce Grated Coconut with Modern Technology. 

The times have created a variety of new technologies. One of them is a package of coconut oil-making machines. Which consists of a drying machine, a chopper, to a squeeze machine. 

The above equipment is usually used in large-scale production, such as factories. But not only in factories, but farmers have also applied this technology in the manufacturing process. 

Manufacturers will use the oven as a means of drying coconut meat. The advantage of using an oven to dry copra is that it is faster and more consistent.

The copra meat to be dried is heated to a temperature of up to 80°C. So that later it will leave the water content in the copra only 6-7%. The dried copra was then chopped using a chopping machine. 

grated copra

Coconut Oil from Grated Copra

Coconut oil comes from grated copra. What is grated copra? That is copra that has been destroyed by chopping, as explained above. From grated copra, coconut oil is produced by squeezing. 

The oil collections are then combined and allowed to stand so that the precipitate can be separated from the oil. After the sediment is formed, the oil is filtered, and try not to get the sediment into the oil filter.

The oil that has been filtered still has to go through the process stage again. Namely the addition of alkaline compounds (KOH or NaOH). The goal is to neutralize and eliminate free fatty acids that depend on Crude Coconut Oil (CCO). 

If the acid content in the oil has disappeared, then the results from the grated copra are given activated charcoal or color absorbent material. The goal is to produce clean and clear oil. 

The oil from the grated copra will then be steamed using hot water steam. The goal is to remove compounds that can cause rancid or unpleasant odors. 

After going through all the processes, the oil from the grated copra is ready to be packaged. It can even be labeled and marketed.

How To Find International Coffee Buyers?

How To Find International Coffee Buyers?

Coffee is a drink that is loved by many people, both on a national and international scale. Coffee connoisseurs will buy the beverage ingredients wherever they look for it, including international buyers. Then, how to find international coffee buyers? 

For people who like coffee, almost every morning they will consume it. Therefore, they must have coffee stock at home. Where do they buy their favorite coffee? Here are some of the biggest coffee-producing countries, where you will easily find international coffee buyers.

Some Country of the Biggest Coffee Producing

It is known that good quality coffee will be easy to find in countries close to the equator. These countries include: 

  • Brazil

coffee brazil
coffee brazil

Brazil has dominated coffee products in the world since 1830. Because the country’s coffee production is very large, 30% of the world’s coffee comes from Brazil. 

The largest coffee production in Brazil is Arabica coffee. In percentage terms, only 26% of robusta coffee is produced from all coffee in Brazil each year.

Based on data taken in 2018, Brazil’s total coffee production amounted to 3 million metric tons. That way, you can find international coffee buyers looking for the best coffee. 

Coffee production centers in Brazil are spread over 7 administrative regions. The areas most recognized by the world community are Sao Paulo, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro.

  • Vietnamese

A country that is part of the Asian continent, Southeast Asia to be exact, is one of the best and largest coffee-producing countries in the world. A large number of coffee production in Vietnam makes this country ranked second after Brazil in the category of the largest coffee-producing country in the world. 

17% of the world’s coffee comes from the plains of Vietnam. Left behind slightly by Brazil who occupied the first level. International coffee buyers are also looking at coffee from Vietnam. 

Vietnam is the only country in the world capable of producing a year more than 1.5 million metric tons of coffee. The type of coffee that dominates the product in Vietnam is Robusta. The land accounts for 96% of the total coffee plantations in Vietnam.

  • Colombia

Colombia is the third-largest coffee-producing country in the world. This country lost to Brazil, which became the champion of the largest coffee producer. You can find international coffee buyers in a country known for the sport of football

Colombia produces 800,000 metric tons of coffee annually. The best quality coffee makes this product from Colombia loved by the world community. 

This coffee from Colombia has a taste similar to coffee from Brazil. It has the aroma of chocolate, caramel, and nuts. The difference is that Colombian coffee has higher acidity than Brazilian coffee.

  • Indonesia

indonesia coffee
indonesia coffee

Still, a neighbor to Vietnam, Indonesia is also the largest coffee-producing country in Indonesia. It is known, within one year Indonesia can produce 650 thousand metric tons of coffee. 

The coffee produced comes from various regions, such as the island of Sumatra to the island of Papua. Even though it comes from one country, Indonesian coffee has its taste according to the origin of the plant. Coffee plantations in Indonesia are managed by Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises. 

One of the famous types of coffee from Indonesia is civet coffee. This type of civet coffee has a distinctive aroma and a very strong coffee taste. This coffee is one of the favorites of international coffee buyers around the world

Those are some of the biggest coffee-producing countries in the world, where you can find international coffee buyers there. A person’s love for coffee will continue to be done by finding a suitable coffee on the person’s tongue.


Benefits of Cloves Sexually for Man and Woman

Benefits of Cloves Sexually for Man and Woman

Besides the spicy dishes, do you know that cloves have benefits in sexual activity for men? yes, this is the fact. Cloves have sexual benefits, especially for a man. Clove itself contains flavonoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, essential vitamins, and other nutrients. These substances have dominant roles in increasing sexual activity for men. Furthermore, let’s see the explanation of the benefits of cloves sexually for men below!

Benefits of Cloves Sexually for Man

Benefits of Cloves Sexually

Every man will always want to be healthy. Not only healthy in daily activities but also healthy in sexual activities. There are many problems related to sexual activity, such as a little amount of sperm, hard to be erected, premature ejaculation, and so on. Consume cloves regularly can help you with these sexual problems. 

Cloves for Erectile Dysfunction

Testosterone hormone is a useful hormone in increasing a man’s libido. Consume cloves regularly, can increase your testosterone hormone. If testosterone hormone becomes high, the desired erection will be high too and the man will feel great sexual pleasure. The man’s libido will boost maximally, and the man will feel the great sexual sensation because of it. 

How good are the benefits of cloves sexually for men?

Cloves to Avoid Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the case that is scared by men. Why not? The sperm will spread out sooner than it should be. Every man wants to become a long time but sometimes it is hard to be done because of premature ejaculation. Cloves help to prevent this problem. Cloves increase the blood flow and make it stimulate the nerve system of the genitals. That is why premature ejaculation can be avoided well. 

Consume cloves regularly and you will find the way to be the right man.

Cloves are Better to Increase the Amount of Sperm and Its Motility

Do you feel that your amount of sperm is little? Or do you feel its motility is a shorter period? If you have a problem related to this, you should consume cloves regularly. The substances of it such as vitamins, alkaloids, carbohydrates, proteins, and other nutrients help you to add the amount of your sperm and its motility. 

Benefits of Cloves Sexually for Woman


Benefits of Cloves Sexually for women

Not only for a man, but cloves also have good benefits sexually for a woman. It can increase the stamina of the woman, so the woman feels so sexually excited. The substances of the cloves make it easier for sexual activity. For further information related to the benefits of sex for women, let’s see below!

Cloves can Improve the Level of Ovulation

Infertility is a complicated problem. Some women cannot get their level of ovulation, so it is difficult for them to be pregnant. If this is your reproduction problem, try to consume cloves regularly. It will possible for you to get the right level of ovulation and you will have a big opportunity to be pregnant.

Cloves can Boost Your Stamina

As we said before that cloves can boost your stamina. For women, it will boost nerve stimulation. It will make the body more relax and fresher. 

You will feel you have full of energy, so you can do your activities well. 

Cloves can Reduce Your Weight

The substances in cloves are important to give you a slim body. This is useful for you who run the diet program. Cloves will help to reduce your weight and you will look younger than your age. You will feel happy with the result and enjoy your life younger again. 

Benefits of Cloves to Strengthen the Tooth and Cure Toothache

Do you have a problem with your teeth? Have you had a toothache and you don’t know how to cure it? Well, the answer to your problem is to consume cloves regularly. Cloves have been proven as antiseptic and anesthetic. It will help your teeth to become healthy. It will relieve your pain and strengthen your teeth’ enamel. 

The research has found that consume cloves regularly will protect your teeth from decaying.

Benefits of Cloves to Healthier Teeth

Besides strengthening the tooth and cure toothache, cloves are used to protect the health of teeth. It is good to avoid plaque, gingivitis, bacteria in the mouth, and other dental-related issues. Research has shown that consume clove is more effective to keep your teeth healthier than using a mouth rinse product.

Wow, what are the good benefits of cloves, right?

How to Consume Cloves?

Cloves are good for health especially as the benefits of cloves are sexual for men and women. So, to get the good function of the cloves, we have to know how to consume cloves well.

It is better to eat one clove for three days. After you feel comfortable with the taste, you can increase your consumption until reach 4 to 5 cloves per day. It can be various from one person to another person. 

One point that you have to remember is not to consume cloves overboard. It will make some negative effects on your body. We can consume cloves, but with good rules. However, consume cloves excessively can make harmful effects on your body.

The Side Effects of the Cloves

If you consume cloves excessively, it will make negative effects. The negative side is increasing the bleeding potency. So, if you must do surgery because of your illness, do not consume cloves again two weeks before and after surgery. 

Another side effect is that cloves can harm our digestive system. So, cloves are not recommended for people who have heartburn and gastrointestinal disease. 

And the last side effect of cloves is that cloves can make your skin becomes allergic. This is proved by dermatitis and skin burns. Your skin will feel bad, so do not consume cloves excessively. 

The conclusion is that cloves are important for keeping the sex of man and woman. In addition, cloves are good for a healthier tooth. Consume 1 clove per three days is good and you can increase your consumption until 4 to 5 cloves per day. But remember, do not consume cloves excessively. There are some negative sides to your body.

However, if you want to be better as sexual whether you are a man or woman, consume cloves regularly will give you benefits of cloves sexually for men and women. Don’t you want to try?


Types of Cloves and Functions

Types of Cloves and Functions

Clove is a dried flower bud. It has many functions in our kitchen. It can be the flavor of savory dishes or sweet dishes. Clove is very versatile. Clove comes from an exotic evergreen tree in the Myrtaceae family, Syzygium Aromaticumnative.

It is native to Maluku Island, the east of Indonesia. Besides clove can be the flavor of dishes while cooking, clove is also used as a healthy drink. Clove can be anti-microbial, antiseptics, and pain-relief properties.

Furthermore, clove has many functions both as a flavor of dishes and as a medication practice. There are some types of clothes that you need to know.

Where Does Clove Come From?


Originally, clove comes from Maluku, Indonesia. As we know that Maluku is called Spicy Island. It is because there are many spices grow on this island. They are nutmeg, mace, and clove.

Clove is very famous all over the world because of its benefits. Many people all around the world plant this plant such as Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Zanzibar, India, and Tanzania. 

How Does Clove Look Like?

If we describe clove, we can start from the tree. The tree of clove is about 25 to 50 feet in height. We can harvest the flower bud using hand. If you see the green color has changed to be pink, it means the cloves are ready to pick. After that, you can spread them on the mat. Then, the final step is you can dry it in the sun for about 3 days.

If we see the clove itself, the length of the clove is just half an inch. The form has a stem and a rounded head. When the clove becomes dry, you can see a hard exterior with the head and body of the clove. It contains eugenol, the primary compound of clove. The sweet, intense, and pungent cloves are saved inside the dry clove.

What are the Functions of Clove?

If you ask about the functions of clove, there are so many functions of clove. The unique aroma and the sweet taste make clove the spices of many dishes. You can add cloves to the food and beverage that are suitable for cloves. Gingerbread, cookies, and pumpkin pie are the sweet dishes that cloves are there to add the sweet taste of cookies, 

Not only the sweet dishes, but cloves are also in savory dishes. In savory dishes, cloves are also combined with ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and peppercorns. Your savory dishes will be more delicious adding cloves inside. And there is the warming effect of using cloves inside your dishes. 

Cloves can maintain your body temperature and improve your body circulation, so you will feel warmer in your body. Besides, cloves can attach to bacteria growth. It is also used as a traditional curative. Other functions are antiseptic, antimicrobial, and pain–relief properties.

You can also add cloves to your beverage. Feel the warmer sensation after you drink it. You can add clove to your tea or your wine. It will give a warmer sensation and wonderful taste. So, cloves have many functions, don’t they?

Do You Know Hand-Picked Cloves?

Hand-Picked Cloves
Hand-Picked Cloves

Hand-picked cloves do not mean the cloves that pick directly from the trunk, but it refers to the hand selection of the cloves. The cloves will be selected as the biggest and highest quality cloves and they are said as hand-picked cloves. There are many hand-picked cloves are exported to the United States. The cloves can be from Penang, Ceylon, and Sri Lanka.

How are Cloves by Oil Content?

Cloves are valued by the amount of oil inside. The higher the oil content is inside the glove, the better the quality of the cloves. You need to know that high-quality cloves contain 15 percent or up to 15 percent of the oil. The higher quality of cloves will be smelt more aromatic and this distinctive aroma is called eugenol.

So, the more eugenol is inside the clove, the more aromatic cloves will be. It is interesting, isn’t it? So, make sure your choice is the higher quality of cloves to create the great taste of clove in your house.

What is Eugenol?

Eugenol is the clove oil. It has many functions. People in the United States usually use eugenol as an additional substance in food products, perfumes, mouthwashes, cosmetics, and toothpaste. This clove oil contains anesthetic properties.  

If you have a toothache in you, it is better to chew the cloves because the eugenol of the cloves will help to relieve your toothache pain. This is the reason that dentist also uses clove oil as a mild anesthetic. You can find the clove oil not only from the clove itself but also from the stems and leaves. So, eugenol has many functions, doesn’t it?

Cloves in Cigarette

Cloves in Cigarette
Cloves in Cigarette

In Indonesia itself, cloves are a part of the cigarette. Cloves add the aroma of cigarettes. They make cigarettes aromatic. The spicy of the cigarettes spread well. The production of cigarettes in Indonesia is high annually.

It makes the cloves are very important to produce every year too because, without the aroma of cloves in cigarettes, they will not be perfect in taste.

The anesthetic sensation can not be gotten without cloves inside. So, the cloves are very important aren’t they?

Furthermore, they are the original and types of cloves. We know, that cloves are very important to the addition of the food whether sweet or savory dishes. Besides, they are used as the additional substance of beverage.

It has an anesthetic function too. The eugenol of cloves is used as an additional substance in many products, such as toothpaste, cosmetics, perfumes, and so on. 

Straight to the point, cloves are also chosen, we say them as hand-picked cloves. It means the cloves are the best chosen. They are selected as the best and high-quality cloves.

It is very important to choose the best quality cloves because the higher quality cloves have up to 15 % of the clove oil. This best quality of cloves can export to the United States and other countries. 

In conclusion, we have known all the types of cloves and their functions of, haven’t we? So, choose the best quality cloves!


11 Magic Benefits of Drinking Cloves Water

11 Magic Benefits of Drinking Cloves Water

Cloves are one of the spices that originally come from Indonesia. Cloves as the spices of the food give a fantastic taste for the food. They are suitable for curries, pulao, chutneys, dessert, biryani, and so on.

There is much food that suitable if it is combined with cloves. Besides, cloves have many benefits for health. They can be as anesthetic, immunity, and respiratory. For further information, let’s see the benefits of drinking cloves of water.

Reducing Weight

cloves water
cloves water

If you consume the cloves of water every morning after waking up, you will see the changes in your body. You can see the size of your waist will be smaller than usual. That will be an amazing experience for you who always want to reduce your weight. 

You just need to consume cloves of water regularly every morning and feel the happiness of a slimmer body.

Good for Digestion

Do you have a problem with your digestive system? Consuming cloves of water regularly will help your problem. Cloves have eugenol which function is to help your digestive system doing its task. It can increase saliva production that is good for your digestive system. 

If you have a gastric problem, cloves of water will help you to reduce the pain and symptoms. You can feel comfortable with your stomach and relax with your body. How beneficial the cloves are!

Cloves can Be as Antibacterial

You can use cloves of water for your tooth and mouth. It has been studied that cloves can be antibacterial. Cloves can kill mouth bacteria and fight plaque. So, your tooth can be clean with consume cloves of water regularly. You will feel healthy and clean mouth. It will make you free from toothache and you will have fresh breathing too.

So, drinking cloves of water can help you to solve the problem of your mouth.

Boost Your Immune System

cloves immune booster
cloves immune booster

A healthy and strong immune system is very important for us. With a healthy and strong immune system, It will not be easy to get the illness in our body.

Drinking the cloves of water is suggested. It can help to boost your immune system because cloves water contains good minerals and vitamins for the immune system.

Besides, cloves water has manganese, calcium, and magnesium. All of the substances are very important to boost the immune system to become healthier and stronger.

Create the Healthy Bone

Another benefit of drinking cloves of water is to create healthy bones. Cloves water contains manganese that is very useful for strengthening the bone. The substance inside of cloves’ water can help to increase bone mass and density. So, it is needed especially for you who face osteoporosis. 

You can avoid this situation if you drink cloves of water regularly. The more we get older age, the more we will have such a risk bone. To avoid this bad situation, we should consume cloves of water regularly and feel the changing of our health.

Help You with the Inflammation

Cloves are rich in antioxidants. So, it will help you to reduce stress and inflammation. As a result of this, you can be younger and free from inflammation and stress. For people who suffer from arthritis, it is recommended to consume cloves of water regularly.

If you are one of the survivors of arthritis, you will feel free with consuming cloves of water regularly.

Help to Reduce Your Body Temperature


If you have a fever, drinking cloves of water will help to lower your body temperature. Vitamin K and E inside the cloves will fight bacterial infection in your body. You will feel better after you drink cloves of water regularly. Try it and see the better health changing in your body.

Get Healthy Skin from Drinking Cloves Water

Healthy Skin
Healthy Skin

Another benefit of drinking cloves of water is to get healthy skin. Cloves contain vitamin E that is good for the skin. If you have a wound, skin problem, and fungal infection, it is better to consume cloves of water regularly. The antioxidant substance will help you to heal your wound or other skin problems.

You don’t need to be worried, because cloves will harm dangerous toxic that enter your skin. Your skin will be healthy and fine if you consume cloves of water regularly.

As Anti-Cancer Agents

Do you know that one of the cloves’ functions is as an anti-cancer agent? What does it mean? It means that drinking cloves of water can avoid you from cancer. It is very useful to protect your body from the hazardous of cancer.

Cloves Can Be Used as Hand Sanitizer

Nowadays, hand sanitizer is a very important thing. Hand sanitizer can protect our hand’s cleaning. And do you know that cloves can be used as hand sanitizer? And how to make it? It is very easy to make it. You just need to hold the cloves of water and wash them on your hand. Then, your hand will be clean. It is so simple, isn’t it?

Cloves Water is Good to the Sexual Reproduction of Both Man and Woman

To increase the sexual function of both men and women need to drink cloves of water regularly especially in the morning. It is better for your stamina.

It makes the sperm better for man and the ovulation process will be in good condition for the woman. The substance of the clove’s water is very good for the healthier reproductive organ.

If you have a sexual problem, related to your erection for the man or your ovulation circle, you can try to drink cloves of water regularly and feel the new you.

The conclusion is the benefits of drinking cloves of water are needed for our health. There are so many benefits of cloves.

However, we are also forbidden to consume cloves excessively, because it can make negative effects on our bodies. So, you can consume clove water slowly and increase the cloves until you feel enjoy consuming it.

Furthermore, if you want to search for herbal drinking, cloves water is the right choice. The benefits of drinking cloves water make cloves recommended as the health drinking.


How to Use Cloves for Cooking? Recipes and Tips for You

How to Use Cloves for Cooking? Recipes and Tips for You

Do you usually use cloves for cooking? Cloves or in Latin Eugenia Caryophyllata is one of the oldest and most popular spices ever. It has a long history, regarding its contribution to culinary and pharmaceutical fields, cloves are widely used in international cuisine as well as medicine.


What are cloves?

Cloves are dried flowers that come from the tree family of Myrtaceae. It was named after the French word “clou” meaning “nail”. This spice, which is famous as a mixture of Indonesian kretek cigarettes, has a powerful aroma and resembles a tiny tack.

The oldest cloves were first discovered on the island of Maluku, Indonesia. And today it is still a prominent product of Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, now you can easily find this spice in various parts of the world such as Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Zanzibar (Tanzania), and other hot tropical areas.


What do cloves taste like?

So, this spice with an intense aroma has a subtly sweet flavor and adds a lot of warmth to the dish. However, the sweetness is balanced by a slight note of bitterness and astringency.

Cloves are best paired with spices that have a sweet taste such as nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice.


What are cloves?

What food do you put cloves in and how to use it? (Indonesian Culinary Version)

Because of its strong aroma and being able to neutralize fishy odors, it is often used in dishes that contain seafood, offal, or goat.

Indonesian dishes that use cloves as spice are gulai, kebuli rice, stews, or curries. Some even add it to nasi uduk to enrich the taste.

How to add cloves to cooking can be done by using them whole or you crushed them first. Crushed cloves will emit a stronger aroma than if we use them as a whole.

Although cloves are tiny, the aroma is very strong so use it sparingly. Because if there is too much aroma in the dish, it will be very pungent. To cook 1 chicken, just use 2-5 cloves or 2-3 for 500 grams of meat.


The do’s and don’ts when using cloves for cooking.


  • Do use cloves thriftily.

As already mentioned above, cloves have an intense aroma, stronger than allspice. This means you have to be very careful with how much you use. Because if you use it too much, cloves can cover up other spices and make your cooking bitter.

If you use it in the right amount, then the taste of cloves can complement other spices that have a sweet and savory taste, and also it can make your dish more delicious.

  • Do remove the whole cloves.

It would be a bad idea to leave whole cloves in your cooking for some reason. The first relates to the spicy taste of cloves. Whole cloves have a sharp taste, so when you eat a whole clove your palate will be filled with the taste of cloves, leaving the tongue numb.

The next reason relates to the texture of cloves. Cloves have a nail-like texture that can cause you to choke as if you swallow a whole fishbone.

  • Do stud whole cloves with onions and add them to soup or braised dish.

By mixing cloves and onions, you don’t have to bother grinding and removing individual cloves one by one.

  • Don’t cook cloves for too long.

The result of cooking cloves for too long is the same as giving too many cloves to your dish. In other words, your food will be bitter and have a strong clove taste. This is because cloves will continue to secrete essential oils during the cooking process.

  • Don’t grind cloves by yourself.

Like other spices, the flavor of cloves will be more powerful and stay fresh if you buy them and grind them by yourself. However, it would be better that you buy them ground.

The reason has to do with the clove oil effect it has on plastic. Most spice grinders are made of plastic and clove oil can cause holes in the plastic, which can potentially damage it.

These holes can cause the clove flavor to stick to the plastic grinder, and as a result, the clove flavor can be passed on to other spices that you are going to grind.


Chicken Stew

3 Dishes ideas featuring cloves. (Indonesia Culinary Edition)


  • Goat Curry (Gulai Kambing)

This goat curry recipe is the Central Javanese version. This dish has a watery and abundant sauce but is still tasty because it is rich in spices. Not only meat, but the parts of the goat that are also cooked are offal and ribs. Goat curry is best eaten with a spicy taste.

The cloves will be combined with cinnamon, star anise, lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves, and galangal to remove the fishy smell from the goat and give the curry a sweet and spicy taste.

  • Chicken Stew

This nostalgic home cooking is usually an alternative dish when you are confused about how to process the chicken. In addition, a chicken stew is also often served at the time of Eid al-Fitr for Muslims in Indonesia. Cloves can be combined with other spices such as bay leaves, galangal, ginger, and ground nutmeg.

  • Kebuli Rice

Kebuli rice is usually cooked in mutton broth, goat’s milk, and butter. This food is very popular among the Arab community in Indonesia or the Betawi people in Jakarta. Cloves are cooked together with lemongrass, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, and raisins.


What are the health benefits of cloves?

Although cloves have a tiny size, this spice contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the body. One teaspoon of cloves or 2 g contains 21 calories of energy, 1 gr of fiber, and 1 gr of carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, and a small amount of Vitamin E

One teaspoon of cloves can also meet 30% of manganese, 4% of Vitamin K, and 3% of Vitamin C of daily needs. Here are the health benefits of cloves:

  • Treat for stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers are most often caused by thinning of gastric mucus caused by several factors such as stress and infection.

An animal study showed that clove essential oil can increase the production of gastric mucus which functions as a barrier to the effects of stomach acid, while preventing erosion of the stomach wall due to stomach acid.

  • Reduce tooth pain

Cloves contain anti-inflammatory components that can reduce swelling in the area of ​​​​the infected tooth. Besides killing bacteria in the mouth, cloves can also help relieve tooth pain. You need to know that this also can get rid of bad breath!

  • Handling phlegm cough

Another health benefit of cloves is that it can treat coughs with phlegm. The eugenol component in cloves is an expectorant, which can help expel phlegm in people with phlegm cough.

10 Best Konjac Chip Suppliers and Manufactures

10 Best Konjac Chip Suppliers and Manufactures

Konjac chip – Konjac chips are dried and sliced Konjac yam that is usually used for basic materials of Konjac powder before being applied to other products in various industries such as food, healthcare, chemical, and many other.

The Konjac plant is a type of herbaceous perennial plant native to Indonesia known as Amorphophallus Konjac. It grows in the wild in several Indonesian provinces, including Sumatra, Java, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, and West Nusa Tenggara.

Surprisingly, its cultivation can be found in Java, where farmers grow it in the surrounding forest and in their yards. This plant produces tubers comprising glucomannan, that has numerous applications in sectors such as food (e.g., shirataki and konnyaku) and pharmaceutical (e.g., medication for diabetes mellitus, cancer, and cholesterol).

Many other advantages include improved woven textile strength, media for microbe cultures, and edible film. It can also be used as an anti-human immunodeficiency virus agent (HIV). Regarding those facts about konjac, Indonesia also become one of the konjac chip suppliers and manufactures.

10 Best Konjac Chip Suppliers and Manufactures in Indonesia

Konjac chip has been one of the export products to other countries. It because Indonesian konjac chip has many benefits, especially for health. The following suppliers and manufactures are below:

  1. Nusagro

Nusagro become the first supplier and manufacture of konjac chip from Indonesia. It is an Indonesian company engaged in agricultural products which has the best experiences to make costumers satisfied with every existing cooperation. One of those agricultural products is konjac, including konjac chips.

This company has been exporting konjac to many countries, two of them is China and japan. It also has a modern konjac flour production plant with bigger capacity to serve konjac market demand. Nusagro is really understanding the importance of quality, so that they process the konjac in a modern way and high technology.

This company is located at Jalan Tugu Raya no. 04, Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok, West Java.

  1. PT Linrode Mekar Makmur

Another company that become a supplier and manufacturer of konjac chip is PT Linrode Mekar Makmur. It is located in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. They are preparing for the export of konjac chips dried of Indonesian origin, as well as KONJAC for use in the product herbs industry.

This company can supply consumers on a regular and long-term basis. They are also looking for a serious and trustworthy buyer of konjac chips. This company is the supplier of wood chips.

  1. Buana Alam Lestari

The next konjac chip supplier and manufacturer is Buana Alam Lestari. This company comes from Jakarta. It serves Sundry Konjac Chips/ Glucomannan Chips. This company only focus on producing snacks and export it to other countries.

The company has been exporting its products to Turkey, Greece, Austria, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai. The konjac chips are made of 100% pure high quality.

  1. Matahari Agro

Matahari Agro is also the supplier and manufacturer of konjac chips. This company is located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. This company also become a supplier of candlenut, tamarind, cashew nut, taro leaves, ginger, and turmeric.

Matahari Agro guarantees that their konjac chip has a good quality. Because it contains fewer calories but high fiber and capable of keeping cholesterol and blood sugar, regular consumption by East Asian countries as a staple food.

  1. PT Surya Metro Persada

The next supplier of konjac chips is PT Surya Metro Persada that is located in Jakarta, Indonesia. It also offers vanilla bean grade A, B, C, konjac rice, konjac noodle dry, and konjac chips since 2017. The material of konjac chips is from tuber konjac with the high quality.

  1. Blessed Konjac

Blessed Konjac is also one of the suppliers of konjac chips. It usually buys glucomannan and dietary food supplement. However, this company also supplies konjac chips, konjac powder, konjac noodle, konjac rice, konnyaku, and angel hair.

Blessed Konjac services manufacture, transportation, and shipping since 2019. The consument can find this company at Jl. Green Garden Blok C21 No. 20, Kelurahan Rorotan, Kecamatan Cilincing, North Jakarta, 14140.

  1. CV Java Reptilindo Lestari

CV Java Reptilindo Lestari is from Cirebon, West Java. This company supplies konjac chips, dried noni, and dry noni since 2000. This company has experienced in supplying local companies or companies around the world.

Furthermore, this company produces konjac from konjac glucomannan amorphophallus muelleri blume. The konjac chips from this company come from the high quality.

  1. Nicolas Yudistira

Other konjac chip supplier is Nicolas Yuditira that is located at Jalan Gitar II No 2A, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Since 2020, this company has been supplying some products, such as konjac chips, ginger, arecea nut, galangal, and turmeric.

The company offers sliced dry konjac chips with sundry or machine method, fresh ginger and cutcherry, fresh lengkuas/galangal, and konjac starch that is from konjac chips. The customer jus request to get the products of this company.

  1. CV Wikonjac

CV Wikonjac has been exporting and supplying konjac chips since 2018. Not only konjac chips, CV Wikonjac also supplies porang, konjac, konnyaku, elephant yam, shirataki, hair angel, devil tongue, voodoo lily, konjac powder, konjac rice, konjac noodles, and glucomannan.

The konjac chips from this company are for substitute of gelatin and raw materials for food origin from java. The customers can buy konjac chip in this company by online or visiting the company at Jl. Green Garden Blok C21 No. 20, Kelurahan Rorotan, Cilincing, North Jakarta 14140.

  1. PT Triguna Asia Makmur

Since 2019, PT Triguna Asia Makmur has been exporting and supplying konjac product to other countries. It also services shipping and transportation. The products of this company are konjac chips, konjac fruit, Indigofera Tinctoria, Straw Mushroom, and Dried Leaf Powder. This company is located at Jl. Otista II No 67A, East Jakarta, Indonesia 13330.

Those are 10 best konjac chips suppliers and manufacturers. It is located over Indonesia, especially in Java Island. Those suppliers and manufacturers serve and offer konjac chips in the best quality for customers. So that is why it products has been exported into other countries.


10 Best Indonesian Coffee Beans

10 Best Indonesian Coffee Beans

Best Indonesian Coffee Beans – Indonesia is one of the world’s top coffee producing countries, and it is home to several coffee-producing islands. There are numerous Indonesian coffee brands that represent a variety of distinct regions.

The success of Indonesia as a coffee producer should come as no surprise. The country is firmly located within the world’s coffee belt, which is a band around the world between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer where the vast majority of the world’s coffee is grown.

The country is made up of 17,000 islands, each with plenty of fertile land at coffee growing altitudes ranging from 750 to 1500 meters above sea level. Because of the country’s geographic diversity, it is home to a number of highly prized coffee varieties as well as a plethora of excellent single-origin coffees.

The Story of Indonesian Coffee

The arrival of coffee in Indonesia began in the late 1690s, when the Dutch governor of Yemen sent some plants to the Dutch governor of Java. Outside of the Middle East and Ethiopia, Indonesia was the third largest producer of coffee.

The Dutch East India Company shipped the first crop of Indonesian beans out of the country in the early 1700s. For the next 250 years, coffee growing was primarily the pursuit of Dutch colonists seeking to profit from rising demand for a cash crop.

All of the country’s large coffee plantations were nationalized in 1950. The vast majority of coffee produced in Indonesia today is grown on small-scale farms. There is still a lot of cheap and low-quality Robusta coffee bean production, but it is mostly done at lower altitudes, and the majority of these beans are used to make instant coffee products.

What is the Process of Making Indonesian Coffee?

Indonesian coffee is processed in a method known as giling basah, also known as the Semi-Washed/Wet-Hulled Process in other parts of the world. After the coffee is picked, it is repulped and briefly dried. Instead of drying the coffee to a moisture content of 11 or 12 percent, as most other processes do, the semi-washed process dries the coffee to a moisture content of 30-30%.

The coffee is then hulled, which removes the parchment and reveals the green coffee beans beneath. These naked beans are then dried again until they are dry enough to be stored without rotting. Semi-washed coffee has less acidity and more body than most coffees.

10 Best Indonesian Coffee Beans

There are some best Indonesian coffee beans that s recommended and cay be bought by online. The following Indonesian coffee beans are:

  • Sumatra Gayo Highlands Organic

These dark-roasted fair-trade beans produce a very full-bodied coffee that is ideal for espresso. They are also organic and worthwhile offer, and they come from ethical food titans Suma.

These beans are grown by a Sumatran co-operative with approximately 6,500 members and are an excellent choice for conscientious consumers. Proceeds from the beans have helped members gain access to clean drinking water, clinics, and schools!

  • Gajah Mountain Coffee

This is a fantastic collection of beans grown high in Sumatra’s Aceh Mountains. The coffee is dark roasted and has notes of treacle and dark chocolate, as well as Smokey, peaty aromas.

  • Blue Sumatra Indonesian Coffee

The unusual name of this coffee is derived from the distinctive color of the raw beans grown in the Lake Toba region of Indonesia. The coffee is well-known for its low acidity, softness, and robust flavor. It is a highly valued coffee that works particularly well in milkier coffee drinks.

  • Bride of Java Indonesian Coffee

This Indonesian bean blend is delicious. They are lighter and smoother than we anticipated. We brewed them in a variety of ways and discovered that they worked best as longer milky coffees, but not so well as short, neat coffees.

  • Hot Lava Java Indonesian Coffee

This iconic coffee from coffee stalwarts Taylors of Harrogate has been well-known in coffee-drinking circles for decades. These beans are as good now as they were then, with a full bodied and darkly roasted flavor that earns them a strength rating of 6/5.

They make a coffee that is intensely strong and smoky while remaining smooth. This is also high caffeine, so it will send you bezerk if you overdo it, but it’s great to have in the cupboard for those mornings when you just can’t get to go.

  • Orangutan Coffee Beans

Here’s another solid option for ethical shoppers. Farmers in the Gayo Highlands of Central Aceh produce the ever-popular Orangutan Coffee.

Farmers are paid a premium to collaborate with strict production regulations and projects that will help preserve the native Orangutan population that exists in the same forest.

There are an estimated 7,500 primates left on Sumatra, so voting with your pound can help make a difference in the conservation effort. It’s also tasty and versatile, working well when started brewing and ground in a variety of ways.

Indonesian Coffee Growing Regions

There are some potential regions in Indonesia that has kinds of coffee to be sold. The following regions are:

  1. Sumatra Coffee

Sumatra is the most well-known and highly regarded coffee-producing island. This kind of coffee beans are widely regarded as among the best in the world.

The profiles of Sumatra coffee are full-bodied, heavy-bodied coffees with low acidity and a strong earthy flavor. These profiles are complex and exquisite, frequently containing sweet chocolate and spicy notes. The best Sumatra coffee is simply divine.

  1. Sulawesi Coffee

Another well-represented island in terms of high-end coffees. These profiles are characterized by a luxurious aroma and a rustic sweetness.

Sulawesi coffees generally have fruit and chocolate notes. While retaining the earthy character of Indonesian coffees, these variants achieve a soft, even silky mouthfeel.

  1. Java Coffee

Java is so well-known that it is used as slang for the word “coffee.” You’ve probably heard of Mocha Java coffee. Mocha Java is a traditional blend of Yemeni Mocha and Indonesian Java beans. This blend is credited with inventing the concept of, well, blending coffee beans.

Many high-quality blends are now available that use beans with similar profiles to produce the highly sought-after Mocha Java coffee flavor. Despite being overshadowed by the famous blend, Java produces some very high-quality single origin coffee beans.

  1. Bali Coffee

Bali coffee is also of high quality! Bali’s profiles, which are typically grown in the central Kintamani Highlands, are richer and less earthy than many other Indonesian coffees.

Those the recommendation of best Indonesian coffee beans. We can choose it by our needs and our taste of coffee. Now, we can purchase it by online so it makes consuming coffee easier.


How to Roast Coffee at Home for Beginners

How to Roast Coffee at Home for Beginners

How to roast coffee at home – Roasting is both a science and an art form. It entails carefully applying heat to coffee beans in order to transform raw ‘green’ coffee beans into the brown coffee beans we all consume on a daily basis.

Roasting coffee

The unprocessed green coffee beans are leathery fruit-like compounds that lack all of the characteristics of the roasted bean, including aroma and taste.

These green beans contain over a thousand substances, only about fifty of which are required in the coffee as we know it. The idea behind roasting is to remove the undesirable substances while concentrating the beneficial ones in order to bring out the aroma and flavor locked inside the green beans.

Roasting releases flavorful substances, increases the visibility of raw beans due to moisture loss, increases their size, makes them crunchy, and causes a color change ranging from light brown to dark.

Recognizing the roasting process expands our understanding for the art and science of pouring the perfect cup of coffee. Home roasting also guarantees that our coffee is as fresh as possible and that the roast is as light or dark as we prefer.

3 Reason Why We Have to Roast Coffee at Home

There are some reasons behind roasting coffee at home for beginners. Those important reasons are:


  1. We can get the freshness

Freshness is an important consideration: some green beans can be stored for up to a year after harvest without going stale. Roasted beans, on the other hand, begin to lose their flavors and aromas after only a few weeks.

Buying green and roasting small amounts of coffee every week, or even every day, will keep your coffee fresh.

  1. We can save our money

Furthermore, green beans are significantly less expensive than roasted beans. In the long run, once we’ve refined your technique and have all of our equipment, we could save a lot of money.

  1. Strengthen the knowledge

Home roasting will also assist us in expanding our coffee knowledge. We’ll begin to understand what makes our favorite coffee taste so good and how we can change our roast profile or buy different beans to emphasize that. Our palate will improve with time and practice, allowing us to appreciate our coffee even more.

What are the Methods of Roasting Coffee?

Before recognizing how to roast coffee at home for beginners, we should recognize the method of roasting first. It is important to recognize because it will help us in roasting coffee. Hot air roasting and drum roasting are the two most common roasting methods.

  1. Drum roasting

This kind of roasting methods has a smaller scale than Hot Air roasting. It entails heating small batches of coffee to 230 degrees for about 12 minutes. Slow roasting removes all of the beans’ acidic flavors.

  1. Hot air roasting

To meet the needs of coffee around the world, the coffee industry resorts to the Hot Air Roasting method, also known as industrial roasting, because drum roasting takes more time and produces less coffee.

For about three minutes, a large batch of coffee is heated at extremely high temperatures in a current of hot air. However, industrially roasted beans have a more acidic flavor.

How to Roast Coffee at Home for Beginners

After recognizing important reasons and methods of roasting coffee, the next step is recognizing how to roast coffee at home. The following steps are:

  1. Buying green beans

It all starts with the beans, which are technically seeds. Green is the color of fresh beans. They lighten several shades after drying. They are completely transformed after being roasted, becoming the beautiful and inviting rich shades of brown that we are accustomed to seeing.

Consistency is the key to making great coffee. Choose beans with consistent size and color to ensure an even, consistent roast and flavor. It is critical to get these two elements – color and size – right in order to avoid producing coffee with an inconsistent and unfavorable flavor.

  1. Roasting coffee

There are some tools for roasting coffee; by using a pan, an oven, a popcorn maker, and a home roaster below. However, this article will only describe how to roast coffee by using a home roaster because it can be used for beginners.

We should recognize first about the pros and cons of using this kind of method.


  • Long-lasting and purpose-built
  • Easy to use and clean


  • More expensive than other alternatives
  • More clumsy than other options
  1. Things that’s needed

Before we roast the coffee, we will need several things below:

  • Beans
  • Coffee roasting machine
  • Heatproof mitts
  • Optional: colander x 2
  1. Method of roasting coffee by using a home roaster:
  • Ventilation

Smoke will be produced by all roasting methods, including dedicated machines.

  • Turn machine on. Add beans

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Machines are similar, but the requirements vary.

  • Monitor the entire roasting process

Many machines claim to be fully automated. Roasting times can still vary due to all of the variables (bean size/type, ambient temperature, machine age, etc.).

  • Listen for the first and second “cracks”

The first refers to a light roast. The second denotes a medium. Once the beans have reached the desired level of roasting, remove them from the oven.

  • Transfer between colanders to cool the beans

Your machine might have its own cooling system. If not, cool them down as soon as possible.

  1. To avoid the inevitable chaffy mess, do this in the sink or outside.
  2. For this step, use oven mitts.
  • Allow the beans to vent CO2 for 12 hours

This is important to note. People often believe that the color of roasted beans determines the amount of caffeine in them. The darker the color, the more caffeine there is in the bean. This, however, is not the case.

As a result, there isn’t much of a difference in caffeine concentration between the various types of beans. Nonetheless, lighter roasts have a slightly higher caffeine concentration.

Coffee oil that is released during the roasting process is not oil. Depending on how long the beans were roasted, the moisture and carbohydrates released from the raw beans during roasting form a caramelized coating on the roasted bean.

In sum, those are some step of roasting coffee at home for beginner. There are several things that can be the consideration when roasting the coffee. Those things are important reasons, methods, and tools for roasting coffee at home for the beginners.



If you have any questions about our products, we would love to hear from you. Please Call Us Today.


Jalan Tugu Raya No. 04, Tugu, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok - Indonesia

+62 851-7441-0096