Is Copra Meal Good for Chickens? What are the Contents? This is a More Detailed Explanation

Is Copra Meal Good for Chickens? What are the Contents? This is a More Detailed Explanation

Copra meal or copra flour is obtained from copra dregs. Previously, copra was dried coconut meat. Copra flour can be used for various purposes. One of them is chicken feed. Then, is copra meal good for chickens?

Is Copra Meal Good for Chickens

The Nutritional Content of Copra Meal

Copra meal has a lot of nutritional content. Copra meal has a water content of 11%. In addition, coconut cake also contains 20% oil, 45% protein, 12% carbohydrates, 5% ash, 84% BO and 45.5% BETN.

The protein content in copra meal is high, making it material for animal feed. In addition to protein, copra meal also contains very high fiber. So that it cannot be consumed by humans, and in the end, it is given to livestock, one of which is chicken.

Copra meal has a crude protein content of 23%. This benefits animals because it can be used as a source of energy. The addition of copra meal in animal feed will increase feed consumption, livestock weight, and feed digestibility in animals.

The chemical content in copra meal which is eventually used as feed is Mannan. In nature, the content of Mannan can be found in legumes, yeast, and palms. The content of this Mannan also plays a role in the growth of livestock.

Is copra meal good for chickens, or other livestock? Given the high content of mannan and other nutrients.

Benefits of Copra Meal for Chickens

Efforts to utilize copra meal are used as animal feed ingredients. Utilizing the chemical content contained therein, so that it will be of economic value. Various contents of copra meal have been mentioned above.

The content of mannan in copra meal can be used to mix animal feed, especially chicken. It is obtained from three types of food, namely palms, legumes, and yeast.

The content of mannan in the three food ingredients has its characteristics. Mannan in legumes contains beta mannan which functions to bind the element galactose. while the mannan in yeast is alpha mannan.

Mannan in yeast functions as an antibiotic and mycotoxin binder. This is because the mannan in yeast can bind to several types of bacteria and also mycotoxins.

The addition of mannan in feed, which is obtained from copra meal, can maintain feed quality. Stable feed quality will produce a good and healthy digestive system in livestock, especially chickens.

So, it’s been answered, isn’t it, is copra meal good for chickens?


The Use of Copra Meal in Chicken Feed

Copra meal is a waste from coconut management. Copra meal which has a light color usually has better quality than copra meal with a dark color. But generally, the copra meal is brown.

The content in copra meal is that it has metabolic energy of 1540-1745 kcal/kg, with a protein content of 20%-21%. Although copra meal has the advantage of adding it to animal feed, it also has disadvantages.

The weakness of copra meal is that it is easy to get moldy, so it will be toxic to chickens that eat it. In addition, copra meal has a weakness, namely the lack of lysine and histidine content, but high fiber content.

The use of copra meal in animal feed is a maximum of 10% of the total use of rations. However, this can be ignored if the feed is mixed with fish meal and lysine, then 18% of copra meal can be used.

To maintain quality copra meal, store it carefully and try not to use it as a single feed. This is because of the high fiber content and the lack of fulfillment of amino acid needs.

Those are some points about copra meal as chicken feed. By reading the reviews above, it is hoped that you will be able to analyze whether is copra meal good for chickens? Hopefully, the above reviews can help your chicken feed needs.

How To Make Copra Meal, A Mixture Of Animal Feed To Reduce Production Costs

How To Make Copra Meal, A Mixture Of Animal Feed To Reduce Production Costs

Copra meal or coconut meal is a by-product of desiccated coconut meat. After the coconut meat is extracted from the oil, the remaining coconut pulp can be processed into a copra meal.

Then, how to make a copra meal? Does it look hard?

How To Make A Copra Meal

Functions Of Copra Meal For Livestock 

Copra meal can be used to mix animal feed. The goal is to reduce feed production costs. Mixing local animal feed with copra meal can be done by processing the dregs first.

Copra is coconut meat that is dried by the drying technique. The manufacture of copra is usually used for the manufacture of copra oil which has various benefits.

The copra meat will then be ground into a coarse shape, then filtered to produce oil.

Oil from dried copra can later be used for various purposes such as cooking oil, diesel fuel, and others. Meanwhile, the copra filtered dregs can later be made into copra meals.

How To Make A Copra Meal?

Dried copra dregs can be made into copra flour. How to make copra flour from the pulp? You can collect all the copra dregs from the filter first.

While collecting copra dregs, prepare the stove and frying pan and turn on the stove fire. Heat a frying pan but without oil or water. When it is hot, put the dried copra pulp into the frying pan.

Is it just enough there? How to make the next copra meal? Heat the copra dregs on the stove fire without using oil. This is usually called roasting, which is the process of ripening food without using oil or water.

The process of heating Bapst dregs can be done with your estimated time. Can be done for 10 minutes, or even more. After heating the pulp, remove the copra pulp and transfer it to a container.

These heated dregs can be mixed with animal feed in general. The dregs can also be called copra meal or coconut meal.

Copra flour can be mixed directly with animal feed, or you can add a little water to even out the mixture. Mixing this animal feed will reduce the cost of feed production, and also provide nutrition to livestock, especially chickens.

copra meal

The Nutritional Content Of Copra Flour 

Copra meal is used as a mixture of animal feed not without reason. Rather, it has a large nutritional content so that it is expected to be able to complete nutrition for livestock.

The high protein content is found in copra meal. Useful for the formation of the main energy and protein source for livestock. In addition, the use of copra meal in animal feed will reduce belly fat in livestock.

It can save the cost of feed production, so the profit will be greater. Many farmers use copra meal as a feed mixture for their livestock.

That’s information about how to make copra meal. Not difficult is it? You can make it yourself at home if you already have dried copra pulp. You can also get dried copra pulp from copra producers, or the market near you.

Specification of Copra, the Basic Ingredient for Making Coconut Oil

Specification of Copra, the Basic Ingredient for Making Coconut Oil

Copra is the basic ingredient in the manufacture of coconut oil which is made from dried coconut meat. Specification of copra, derived from the scientific name Cocos nucifera coconut.

Copra is the most important ingredient in the manufacture of oil and its derivatives.

Some of the copra derivative products marketed are coconut oil, biodiesel fuel, butter, cosmetics, soap, and animal feed. In addition to producing marketed products, copra also functions for body health.

These include maintaining the stability of blood sugar, preventing osteoporosis, eliminating bacteria in the body, maintaining heart health, and losing weight.

specification of copra

Copra Specification

Specification of copra, which is desiccated coconut, contains 354 kcal of energy. In addition, copra is also rich in carbohydrates and fats.

Other content in copra is protein, vitamins, minerals, and other components in the form of water.

Vitamins in copra consist of various kinds, namely vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C. For mineral content, it consists of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

This specification of copra describes the nutritional content that will benefit the body.

The composition of coconut fruit includes coir (35%), shell (12%), flesh (28%), and fruit juice (25%).

While the composition of copra is expected to be water (6-7%), oil (63-64%), protein (7-8%), carbohydrates (15%), minerals (2%), and fiber (3-4%).

Conditions for Making Copra

To make dry copra, the coconut used should not be careless. You need a coconut that has been around for 300 days. The minimum weight allowed for coconut to be made into copra is 3-4 kg.

After the copra has been filtered for oil to be processed again into finished coconut oil, the remaining copra can be used as a by-product. The by-products of copra have a high protein content (18-25%).

Although it has high protein, the remaining copra contains high fiber so it cannot be consumed by humans.

Generally, the copra by-product is given to livestock as feed. Therefore, processing copra also provides benefits to other living things.


Copra Making Technique

The production of copra must go through drying techniques, both traditional and modern. There are some types of copra drying techniques.

The use of drying techniques should pay attention to the copra, whether to use traditional or modern methods.

Copra with thicker flesh, and when the weather is not favorable, it is better to use modern drying techniques. Can use the oven or smoke.

Traditional copra drying techniques can take advantage of sunlight. While modern drying techniques can use an oven, fumigation, or a room with a plastic cover.

Copra with good quality has a water content of between 6-7%, so it is not easily exposed to nuisance organisms. Poor quality in copra is usually caused by bacterial and fungal attacks.

Bacterial and fungal attacks will increase if the water content in copra is high. In addition, the ambient air humidity reaches 80%, and the atmospheric temperature reaches 30⁰C.

Fungi that often attack copra are Rhizopus sp, Aspergillus niger, and Penicillium glaucum.

Drying With Traditional Technique

The stages in the traditional drying process are not fully based on the actual process taking place. Then, the general equipment is not exactly, or not completely, adapted to the consumer’s desired material.

The degree of the maturation process was not examined quantitatively. Lack of consideration for planning based on principles is a characteristic of traditional copra making.

That’s the specification of copra, as the basic ingredient for making coconut oil. As for the derivatives of various kinds of copra products, such as diesel fuel, butter, cosmetics, and so on.

What is Grated Copra? It Turns Out That it can Produce Quality Coconut Oil

What is Grated Copra? It Turns Out That it can Produce Quality Coconut Oil

Coconut trees can thrive in Indonesia because it has a tropical climate. So that coconut becomes one of the leading commodities. The processed products are m oil from grated coconut, so what is grated copra? 

Copra and other parts of the coconut have been marketed worldwide. Starting from coconut meat, shell, coconut powder, to grated copra. Grated copra is coconut meat that has been dried, then crushed by coarsely chopped.

what is grated copra

Copra Grater Process 

Dry coconut meat with one of the drying techniques, for 3-5 days. The dried copra is then crushed to form coarse pieces. Furthermore, coarsely chopped can be squeezed to take the oil. 

Copra with good quality and suitable for sale is the one that has a moisture content of about 6-7%. Because it will affect the grated copra. What is grated copra? Does it affect the quality of the oil?

Grated copra which has a moisture content exceeding 7%, will affect the results. The resulting oil will be of low quality. In addition, copra with a high moisture content will be more susceptible to decay. 

Produce Grated Coconut with Modern Technology. 

The times have created a variety of new technologies. One of them is a package of coconut oil-making machines. Which consists of a drying machine, a chopper, to a squeeze machine. 

The above equipment is usually used in large-scale production, such as factories. But not only in factories, but farmers have also applied this technology in the manufacturing process. 

Manufacturers will use the oven as a means of drying coconut meat. The advantage of using an oven to dry copra is that it is faster and more consistent.

The copra meat to be dried is heated to a temperature of up to 80°C. So that later it will leave the water content in the copra only 6-7%. The dried copra was then chopped using a chopping machine. 

grated copra

Coconut Oil from Grated Copra

Coconut oil comes from grated copra. What is grated copra? That is copra that has been destroyed by chopping, as explained above. From grated copra, coconut oil is produced by squeezing. 

The oil collections are then combined and allowed to stand so that the precipitate can be separated from the oil. After the sediment is formed, the oil is filtered, and try not to get the sediment into the oil filter.

The oil that has been filtered still has to go through the process stage again. Namely the addition of alkaline compounds (KOH or NaOH). The goal is to neutralize and eliminate free fatty acids that depend on Crude Coconut Oil (CCO). 

If the acid content in the oil has disappeared, then the results from the grated copra are given activated charcoal or color absorbent material. The goal is to produce clean and clear oil. 

The oil from the grated copra will then be steamed using hot water steam. The goal is to remove compounds that can cause rancid or unpleasant odors. 

After going through all the processes, the oil from the grated copra is ready to be packaged. It can even be labeled and marketed.

10+ Benefits of Copra for Your Body

10+ Benefits of Copra for Your Body

Copra is coconut meat that is dried with a certain technique. It is not enough to market it in the form of the whole copra but to make its derivative products. These are the benefits of copra.

Copra derivative products consist of various kinds. For example, coconut oil, meal, diesel fuel, butter, and many more. Coconut oil made from copra has many benefits.

Coconut oil or virgin coconut oil (VCO) is made from copra which is chopped and then squeezed. This process produces natural coconut oil. Usually has a spicy and sweet taste.

Advantages of Copra

Copra can be made with a variety of derivative products, including coconut oil. Natural coconut oil from copra provides various benefits for the body. This is one of the benefits of copra for the body.

  • Healthy Fatty Acid Content


One of the benefits of copra made into oil is that it contains healthy fatty acids. These fatty acids have different effects on the body when consumed, in contrast to other fatty acids.

The fatty acids contained in coconut oil extracted from copra, provide a boost to the body to burn fat. In addition, the fat in coconut oil will provide energy to the brain and body quickly.

Another benefit of coconut oil is that it increases the good cholesterol in the blood. The function of good cholesterol in the body is to reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Heart Becomes Healthier

Based on research in 1981, coconut can improve the heart health of people in the South Pacific. This is done only by consuming coconut.

Coconut has an oil content that can be extracted through copra using a technique. From coconut oil, there are many benefits of copra for the body, one of which is keeping the heart healthy.

  • Anti-Virus Content

Virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid which makes up as much as 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil. It is known that the lauric acid contained in coconut oil has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help humans fight flu symptoms.

The benefits of copra made into oil can also boost the immune system. In addition, coconut oil can increase white blood cells, which serve to provide resistance to viral infections.

  • Reduce Seizures

Cases of seizures usually occur in someone with epilepsy. Epilepsy is highly drug-resistant in children. Based on this, the MCTs in coconut oil can increase the blood concentration of ketone bodies. MCT is believed to be able to reduce seizures in children with epilepsy disorders.

  • Protects Women’s Crown (Hair, Skin, and Teeth)

Protects Women’s Crown
Protects Women’s Crown

Coconut, copra, and coconut oil are not only edible but can also be used for treatment. Treat your hair, teeth, and skin with coconut-based ingredients.

The benefits of copra can improve the health and appearance of one’s skin. By using it as a cosmetic, one’s skin will be well maintained. In addition, using coconut oil can also slow down premature aging and wrinkles.

A study also confirms the benefits of coconut oil. Namely, it can increase the moisture content of dry skin and reduce the symptoms of eczema.

Coconut oil is also believed to protect hair and nails. This makes coconut the best natural nutrition for your skin’s needs.

  • Massage Therapy

Most tropical regions, use coconut oil for therapeutic massage. This oil is believed to reduce muscle pain, increase relaxation and increase blood circulation in the body.

In addition to the content in coconut oil which is anti-microbial and moisturizes the skin, it also has a distinctive, fresh, and light aroma. It makes people who are massaged with coconut oil will feel calm and relaxed.

  • Treat the Senile Disease

Digestion of MCFA by the liver will create ketones that are easily accessible to the brain to produce energy. These ketones supply energy to the brain without using insulin to convert glucose into energy.

A study revealed the brain creates its insulin to process glucose and strengthen cells in the brain. People with Alzheimer’s disease lose the ability to produce insulin in their brains.

The ketones from coconut oil will help improve brain function. So people with Alzheimer’s have the potential to recover.

  • Energy in the Body Increases

The benefit of copra which is used as pure coconut oil is that it is easy to digest. In addition, virgin coconut oil produces energy for the body’s metabolism longer.

Pure coconut oil is widely used by athletes as body fuel, especially for long-distance running. Athletes consume coconut oil by mixing it with honey. You can mix one tablespoon each. Then drink, 30 minutes before exercising.

  • Improve Digestion

Digestion will be smooth when you eat coconut. Because coconut can help absorb vitamins, calcium, magnesium, which are fat-soluble. Consumption of coconut oil along with omega-3 can more effectively digest it.

Coconut oil from copra also helps increase the good bacteria in the gut and destroys bad bacteria and candida. It is known that an unbalanced candida will cause decreased stomach acid, inflammation, and poor digestion.

People who suffer from diarrhea can do treatment with coconut oil after being declared cured of their illness. For those of you who are still healthy, it is highly recommended to consume virgin coconut oil to maintain your digestive health.

  • Helps Lose Weight

Helps Lose Weight
Helps Lose Weight

Coconut oil is believed to be able to help lose weight. A study describes a woman who consumed virgin coconut oil every day, experienced a decrease in belly fat. Although coconut oil is fat, it can reduce body weight.

This is because coconut oil contains medium fatty acids, which are used by the body to increase metabolism. So, this fat is very good for someone who wants to lose weight. Usually, women want it, so it is highly recommended to consume it regularly.

Those are some of the benefits of copra being processed into coconut oil. These benefits can be felt if you consume them regularly. But still, pay attention to diet and regular exercise to get maximum results. You can also consult an expert, a doctor, for example, to get directions to consume coconut oil. Recommend your changes when consuming virgin coconut oil, and tell us about its benefits.


Best Exporters of Copra from Indonesia, Serving to Various Countries

Best Exporters of Copra from Indonesia, Serving to Various Countries

Copra is known as a raw material for making coconut oil. Can also be used for diesel raw materials, margarine, to detergents. Copra is needed in Indonesia and abroad. Not infrequently exporters of copra from Indonesia send copra products to various countries.

Activities of Exporters of Copra from Indonesia

Copra from Idonesia
Copra from Indonesia

Copra shipments abroad have reached tens or even hundreds of tons every year. This is a good potential of copra products to be used as superior export products.

Before sending their products, exporters of copra from Indonesia take several actions that must be taken. This is related to regulations from the Indonesian government regarding the export process.

Actions before exporting are generally the same as shipping other plants. The copra that will be sent is quarantined first.

The goal is to ensure the product is free from quarantine plant-disturbing organisms. In addition, copra must also have a Phytosanitary Certificate for guarantee.

Do exporters of copra from Indonesia have to meet the plant quarantine requirements? The answer is yes because it has become a rule and must be obeyed.

Where do Exporters of Copra From Indonesia Send Their Products?

flag world
flag world

Copra exporters deliver their products according to consumer demand. So far, Indonesia has sent copra to Bangladesh, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, and China.

The Biggest Export Destination of Copra

Indonesia is the second-largest copra exporter after the Philippines. This is because there are many coconut plantations scattered throughout Indonesia. For this reason, exporters of copra from Indonesia are competing to send copra orders to consumers abroad.

The largest copra export destinations are the Netherlands and Malaysia for raw copra products. Meanwhile, the export destinations of processed copra are the United States and China.

The exporters of copra from Indonesia have high business potential. Because copra and coconut oil products have a high selling value. Therefore, copra is a superior product for export activities.

Consumer demand copra consists of ordinary copra and white copra. The price sometimes increases and decreases in both types of copra. What makes the difference is the drying technique used, resulting in the creation of ordinary copra and white copra.

Copra that was successfully exported reached more than 153 thousand tons in 2019. This is a great potential for exporters to ship their products and earn profits.

Meanwhile, for 2020, Indonesia managed to export 330 tons of copra, which only came from the Central Java area. The opportunity for the copra market abroad is much higher, so it is hoped that in the future it will be able to sell copra derivative products as well. Because derivative products have a higher selling value.

If you want to order copra, just visit Nusagro. Nusagro is one of the exporters of copra from Indonesia who is ready to serve your copra needs. Not only copra products, but Nusagro also exports other agricultural products such as essential oils, palm sugar, coconut sugar, cashew nuts, coffee, and including copra. For more details, you can visit

To get good quality copra, try to always remember the characteristics of good copra. In addition, choose a professional producer or distributor who provides good quality copra, such as Nusagro. Good copra will produce good derivative products as well.


What is White Copra? Let’s See the Following Explanation

What is White Copra? Let’s See the Following Explanation

For ordinary people, sometimes are not familiar with the term copra, especially white copra. Then, what is white copra? White copra is coconut flesh that is separated from the shell by dredging. White copra comes from fresh old coconut which is processed through indirect drying and the help of sunlight.

Coconut meat is usually used as a raw material for making crude coconut oil. No chemical mixtures are added to healthy food oils. Examples of processed white copra are vegetable oils, herbal soaps, and other derivative products. 

Can produce white copra meat, the manufacturing process must pay attention to cleanliness and procedures. It is intended that the process of drying coconut meat can produce quality white copra products and dry perfectly (5%). In addition, it must also pay attention to hygiene, clean, free of aflatoxins, PAHs, FFAs, and other impurities. 

The Benefits of White Copra for the Economy and Health

white copra oil
white copra oil

Some of the benefits of white copra can also help from an economic or health perspective. Here are some of the benefits of white copra, so you don’t often ask what is white copra? 

Although the price of copra is quite high, the market seems stable. The manufacturing process is quite long, but some farmers choose to continue producing white copra. 

White copra is often used as a raw material for making cooking oil. What is white copra in the process of making oil? 

White copra is the main raw material for making coconut oil and cooking oil. The main requirement if you want to make white copra is a coconut that is 10 months to 1 year old. Weighing up to 3-4 kg gm.

White copra is also commonly used as raw material for high-quality coconut oil. In addition, other products from white copra include shampoo, soap, skin moisturizer, mouthwash, and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). 

What is white copra? Do the benefits end there? The answer is no. White copra can be used as an alternative fuel for diesel engines. Because coconut oil has almost the same basic properties as diesel oil.

White copra is also commonly used as raw material for high-quality coconut oil. In addition, other products from white copra include shampoo, soap, skin moisturizer, mouthwash, and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). 

What is white copra? Do the benefits end there? The answer is no. White copra can be used as an alternative fuel for diesel engines. Because coconut oil has almost the same basic properties as diesel oil. 

The Advantages of Selling White Copra

white copra
white copra

Do you still have doubts about white copra? Hopefully, the answer is no. A case regarding white copra is the Philippines which orders a lot of white copra products. 

With the order from the Philippines, the Indonesian state was able to earn US$1.57 in foreign exchange. Are you still wondering what copra is? 

Copra itself will be needed by many people. In addition to the affordable price, the quality of processed copra products is also very good.

That’s a brief explanation of what white copra is. There is nothing wrong with knowing the benefits of processed copra products.


Indonesian Copra Price Today, Quality is the Main Factor

Indonesian Copra Price Today, Quality is the Main Factor

Dried coconut meat is also known as copra. In Indonesia, there are many copra-producing areas. Both for own production and sale to middlemen. Then, what is the Indonesia copra price today?

Good copra is a coconut that is about 300 days old and weighs 3-4 kg. This product is important because it is the raw material for making coconut oil and its derivatives. 

There are several techniques for drying coconut to be used as copra. These techniques include drying with the help of sunlight, drying by fumigation, drying by indirect means.

Drying with the help of sunlight will depend on the weather. When the weather is not good, the possibility of coconut meat will not dry and even grow mushrooms. This will affect the Indonesia copra price today. 

What things can affect the Indonesia copra price today? The first factor is good quality. An easy way to get good quality copra is to choose copra with only 6-7% water content.

Indonesian Copra Price Now

Indonesia Copra
Indonesia Copra

Copra is the market that fluctuates in price, sometimes rising and even falling at the lowest level. If the copra production is high, but demand is low, the price will fall even further. 

On the other hand, if there is a lot of market demand but the production is not comparable, the price of copra can increase several times. The Indonesian copra price today reaches Rp. 7,900 per kg. While the price of copra in the world can reach Rp. 10,000, maybe even more. 

The price of copra in the Surabaya area has reached Rp. 10,500. This price has increased from the previous Rp. 9,500. The results of monitoring, the increase in the price of Indonesian copra is currently still in a good stage.

The price of copra in the Merauke region, Papua, for example, is at Rp. 2,000 per kg. The price of copra in all parts of Indonesia is not the same. This is influenced by many factors, one of which is the quality and quality of copra produced in different regions. 

For example, the quality of copra from North Maluku is different from copra from North Sulawesi. The price of copra from North Maluku is Rp. 4,000 per kg. Meanwhile, copra from North Sulawesi is at Rp. 9,500-15,000/kg. This huge price difference is influenced by the quality of the copra.

Farmers in North Maluku still use the copra drying technique by smoking. Drying with this technique has a weakness that is blackish brown copra. Of course, it will affect the quality that causes consumers to prefer copra with a brighter color. 

Another reason why the current price of Indonesian copra is different, including from North Maluku, is that farmers do not pay attention to the age of the coconut. 

As is well known, the minimum age for coconut to be used as copra is 300 days. If the coconut is less than 300 days old, the risk is that the copra becomes softer and prone to damage during processing. 

The Business of Selling Copra at a High Price

calculate the price of copra
calculate the price of copra

To increase the Indonesian copra price today, farmers must also improve the quality of the copra produced. Farmers and entrepreneurs need to know the quality of the raw material, namely, coconut to be made copra. This can be done starting from the collection of copra raw materials.  

Furthermore, farmers can sort the raw materials for copra from coconut according to the type, size, and age that are the minimum requirements. Then farmers also need to wash the copra and slice the coconut according to the desired shape. When the coconut is clean, store it in a safe and clean warehouse to maintain the quality of the coconut. 

Copra processing that will be done, try to match the interests of customers and produce attractive products. After that, store the copra back in a ready-to-market copra storage warehouse.


How to Make Copra, 3 Best Drying Technique

How to Make Copra, 3 Best Drying Technique

Copra is coconut meat that is processed by drying. Products that can be produced from copra, one of which is coconut oil. The copra that is ready to be processed is then extracted to produce oil. Then, how to make copra, as the basic ingredient for making coconut oil?

How to Make Copra?

how to make copra

The basic ingredient for making copra is coconut which is about 300 days old. The minimum weight required is 3-4 kg per fruit. Copra processed products can be used as coconut oil which has many benefits. How to make copra become quality oil?

Based on references, to make copra into a quality product, there are various techniques. Namely drying by exposure to sunlight, drying by smoking which is carried out over a fire, drying using indirect heat, and drying with a plastic hood.

Dried coconut, hereinafter referred to as copra can be processed into various quality preparations. Some examples of processed copra include coconut oil, mouthwash, cooking oil, nata de coco, coconut soy sauce, and many others.

Copra Drying Technique

copra drying technique

Quality copra is successful in drying as well as the perfect shape. How to make copra that has a perfect shape? You can take advantage of drying either in direct sunlight or in the oven. It will affect the shape of the coconut meat.

It is easy to pry the coconut flesh from the shell. But most will spoil the shape of the meat. For that, use solar energy to help the process of removing coconut meat.

Drying with the Help of Sunlight

The weather of each region is not the same, as well as to predict the weather. For that, drying with this technique must be patient, especially if it enters the rainy season. Instead of drying the coconuts, the rain comes suddenly and it will be difficult to shade a lot of coconuts.

The drying process when the weather is sunny only takes 2 days. After that, the coconut meat can be prayed. It takes a second stage of drying which takes 3-5 days to produce quality copra. If the weather is sunny, drying within 8 hours can reduce the water content in coconut up to 1/3 of the total water content.

Drying with the help of sunlight has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it saves production costs. Because using natural ways by utilizing natural resources. It does not require tools or materials to dry coconut.

By arranging on a concrete floor or using bamboo shelves, the copra produced will be maximized. Although it takes a very long time to produce quality copra.

The disadvantages of this drying technique are related to the weather. In addition to the burden of lifting coconuts when it rains, the drawback is that the drying process will take longer. Not only that, if the copra is not dry but the weather is not good, the potential for mushrooms to grow will be greater.

copra from Indonesia

Drying Technique Using Artificial Heat

This drying technique uses the help of machine operation. So you need a machine to dry the coconuts. The drying process can be carried out indoors. This process is divided into 2 types. Drying by direct method and drying with heat indirectly.

Drying directly will come into contact with gases from the combustion process. The burning that occurs can also be called smoke-dried copra which has a characteristic odor from burning. And the skin color is brownish white. The fuel for drying coconut is dried shell.

The second type of artificial heat drying is indirect drying. Copra drying will not come into direct contact with the gases from the combustion process. The system is drying in a room with heating pipes. How to dry copra with this technique will require a very large capital. So it will affect the cost of production.

The artificial heat drying technique has an indirect advantage. Namely, the color of the resulting copra will be better. Oil from copra with this drying technique will have a quality aroma and taste. If copra is stored for a long period it will also not produce a rancid odor. Storage time in this case is approximately 8 months.

Dried copra will be packaged and then cooled, and ready to be marketed for all kinds of purposes. Mostly, copra is used as a raw material for making oil.

Drying Using a Plastic Hood

The technique of drying coconuts to become this type of copra is better than drying techniques with the help of sunlight. The tool used in this drying is a hood made of plastic. This drying produces quality copra juice, so it will also affect the quality of coconut oil.

How to make copra by drying technique using a plastic hood? You can prepare a room whose walls and roof are made of transparent plastic. Then the sun will shine on the copra which is arranged in a plastic room. Thus, the copra will get heat indirectly from the sun.

The light that enters through the plastic room will be reflected so that the heat will be retained. This causes the temperature in the room to rise. Another advantage of drying with this technique is that copra gets quality heat and is protected from rain.

You do not have to bother to secure the coconut if one day it rains. But the coconuts will still get heat from the sun if the weather is good, even when the sky is cloudy.

That’s an explanation of how to make copra, as the main ingredient in making coconut oil. All of the described techniques have their respective advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose one, to produce the desired copra, also according to your financial condition.

Coconut drying methods will always produce different quality copra. However, the desire to get quality copra must be adjusted to the capital owned, the availability of land, and also the required manpower. The choice of drying technique is also based on the timing of meeting customer needs.


Here are Benefits of Copra You Need to Know!

Here are Benefits of Copra You Need to Know!

One of the most popular and sought after coconut products in the global market is dried coconut or known as copra. As Indonesia’s mainstay export commodities, copra has thousands of benefits, both in terms of health and as a raw material for the products we use every day.

For example, we can find copra that has been processed in body care products such as shampoo, soap, and body lotion.

You may be wondering, are there any health benefits too? So, can we eat copra? Of course, we did!

But not directly, we can only consume dried coconut after it is processed and becomes an ingredient in dishes. We can find dishes with a mixture of processed copra in Asian specialties such as gulai, curry, or stews.

Now we know that humans can also consume copra. However, before adding it to our dishes, let’s first find out the nutritional content in dried coconut.


dried coconut

Nutritional Content in Dried Coconut or Copra

Copra provides mostly fat in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). More than 50% of the fat content in copra comes from MCTs.

But don’t worry, the good news is that although desiccated coconut is rich in fat content, MCTs are easier to digest because of these fat chains are shorter than the long-chain fatty acids found in many other foods 

Here are the nutrition facts for 1 cup (100gr) of dried coconut meat:

Calories : 650

Protein: 7.5 gr

Fiber : 18 gr

Fat: 65 gr

Carbs: 25 gr

Copper : 40% of the DV (Daily Value)

Manganese : 137% of the DV

Selenium : 26% of the DV

Iron : 18% of the DV

Magnesium : 23% of the DV

Phosphorus : 21% of the DV

Potassium : 16% of the DV

  • Selenium is a mineral which helps the body in producing enzymes that can improve the immune system and thyroid function. The recommended daily amount is 55 micrograms, and one ounce of dry coconut can provide 9.4% of this requirement.
  • Copper can increase energy, the metabolic processes, and help in formation of red blood cells and collagen. In addition, copper also has natural antioxidant properties. One ounce of desiccated coconut provides 25% of the daily value.
  • One ounce of copra provides 5 grams of fiber which is useful for maintaining blood pressure and heart function. The recommended amount for daily needs is men consume 38 grams, while women consume 25 grams.


5 Benefits of Copra You Need to Know!

  • Become a raw material in daily products

The existence of copra can be found easily in our everyday products. Especially for women, who doesn’t wear lipstick to complete your perfect look? Lipstick contains VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) to hold the color, so it doesn’t melt.

In addition, because of the perfect content to moisturize, this dried coconut oil has also become raw material for making soaps, shampoos, and body lotions.

  • You can include dried coconut to your dishes

Another benefit of copra is that it can be an ingredient for cooking. There are so many ways to include desiccated coconut to your dishes.

To mix it, you can shave or grated it. Asian specialties such as curries, gulai, and stews usually use desiccated coconut that is shaved and processed into coconut cream to add a savory taste and thicken the dish.

You can also put in desiccated coconut into your cake, muffin, and bread dough to increase the sweetness and also it can help moisten the dough naturally.

  • Another benefits of copra is it can help your diet program

Dried coconut is an ideal source of healthy fat that does not contain cholesterol. And the MCTs in it can help you lose excess body fat.

MCT can reduce body weight by releasing two hormones that can increase satiety and help reduce appetite, namely peptide YY and leptin. Studies have found that people who consume two tablespoons of MCT oil as part of breakfast eat less at lunch.

Besides the MCT from coconut oil, another coconut product that can help your diet program is coconut flour. In the process of making cakes, coconut flour can replace wheat flour because this flour is gluten and nut free.

Because it is free from grains, coconut flour is also good for those who are on a paleo diet that does not allow you to consume products that contain grains such as wheat flour.

  • Prevent heart disease

Studies have found that people who frequently eat coconut meat have lower rates of heart disease than those who follow a Western diet. Moreover, another study conducted on 1,837 Filipino women found that coconut oil had a neutral effect on cholesterol levels.

Coconut meat contains polyphenols that can prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, so LDL is less likely to form plaque in the arteries that can increase heart disease.

Consuming virgin coconut oil can also reduce belly fat. This is very beneficial because excess belly fat can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

  • Controlling blood sugar levels

The advantages of coconut with low carbohydrate levels, high fiber and fat can help stabilize blood sugar in the body.

A study conducted on rats found that coconut has anti-diabetic effects, this is due to the arginine content. Arginine is an amino acid that is very important for improving the function of pancreatic cells. This content releases the hormone insulin which can regulate blood sugar levels.

The high fiber content in coconut meat also participates in slowing the digestive process and increasing insulin resistance which can also help control blood sugar levels.


How to Store Copra at Home

Because copra is coconut that has been dried and has less water content, so its shelf life is longer compared to fresh coconut. You can stored dry coconut in a plastic bag and refrigerated, it will last well for 6 months.


Dried Coconut Cake Recipe For Snacks at Home

This dry coconut cake is perfect to accompany your days while at home. Let’s see how to make it!


  • 500 gr medium protein flour or coconut flour
  • 200 gr grated coconut, roasted
  • 250 g butter, melted
  • 250 gr powdered sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt

How to make:

  1. Combine eggs, vanilla powder, powdered sugar and butter. Stir the four ingredients until it is soft and evenly mixed.
  2. Add flour or coconut flour, roasted grated coconut, milk and salt. Mix well.
  3. Preheat the oven. Prepare a baking sheet and lightly grease with margarine.
  4. Round and flatten the dough. You can use a fork if you want to give it texture.
  5. Place the dough that has been formed on the baking sheet and give a distance between one cake and another. Do this until the dough runs out.
  6. Bake the shaped dough for about 20 minutes, or see if it’s done. Turn off the oven and let it cool down. Then take it out of the oven
  7. If the cake is solid and cold, then the dry coconut cake is ready to be served. Store the desiccated coconut cake in a closed container or jar.


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+62 851-7441-0096