What are Clay Balls and How to Use It for Plants

What are Clay Balls and How to Use It for Plants

Clay balls, as their name implies, are crafted from clay and undergo a high-temperature baking process, resulting in their unique expansion.

These little wonders are not only natural but also exceptionally lightweight. With a diameter of around 1cm, they’re the ideal size to keep them from spilling out of your pot’s drainage holes.

Are LECA and Clay Balls Different?

LECA (Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate) and clay balls for plants, often referred to as hydration or expanded clay pellets, are very similar and are sometimes used interchangeably in gardening and horticultural contexts.

However, there are some subtle differences between the two: Terminology: The terms “LECA” and “clay balls” are often used to describe the same product, but “LECA” is more commonly used in the context of hydroponics and horticultural trade.

It stands for Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate and emphasizes the lightweight nature of the product. Manufacturing Process: Both LECA and clay balls are made from expanded clay, typically by heating clay to high temperatures, causing it to expand and form small, porous balls.

The manufacturing process is essentially the same for both, resulting in lightweight, porous spheres. Uses: LECA or clay balls are used for similar purposes in gardening and horticulture, such as improving soil aeration, enhancing drainage, and providing support for plant roots.

They are commonly used in hydroponic systems, indoor plant cultivation, and seed starting. Size and Appearance: The size and appearance of LECA or clay balls can vary somewhat between brands and manufacturers.

Some may produce larger or smaller pellets, while others may have a slightly different color. However, these differences are generally not significant and do not affect their functionality.

Brand Names: Some manufacturers and brands may use the term “LECA” to refer specifically to their expanded clay product, while others may use “hydroton” or “expanded clay pellets.”

It’s important to note that these terms are often used interchangeably in gardening literature and discussions.

In summary, LECA and clay balls for plants are very similar products, both made from expanded clay, and they serve similar purposes in horticulture.

The main difference lies in the terminology used, with “LECA” being a more technical or trade-specific term, while “clay balls” or “hydroton” are more commonly used in everyday gardening discussions.

Regardless of the terminology, both products offer excellent benefits for plant growth and are suitable for various gardening applications.

What is LECA?

what is LECA

LECA is short for “Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate.” Despite the technical-sounding name, it’s actually quite straightforward. Think of it as a special type of soil used for growing plants.

In simple terms, LECA consists of small clay balls that expand when they soak up water. These clay balls can hold onto water, which you can then use to water your plants.

However, unlike regular soil, LECA doesn’t contain any nutrients. It’s just there to hold water. So, you’ll need to add nutrients to the water separately to ensure your plants get the sustenance they need.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why bother with LECA if it can’t provide nutrients to my plants?” That’s a great question, and we’re here to explore exactly why LECA can be a fantastic choice for growing a wide range of plants, regardless of your gardening expertise.

Let’s dive into the benefits that make LECA such a valuable medium for keeping your plants healthy and thriving!

The Benefits of Using LECA for Your Plants

Benefit of Using LECA

Now that we understand that LECA consists of expandable clay balls, let’s explore how this unique growing medium can contribute to the well-being and prosperity of your plants. Here are the key advantages of using LECA for plant cultivation:

  • Effortless Watering: Watering your plants becomes a breeze with LECA.
  • Root Rot Risk Reduction: Say goodbye to the threat of root rot when you opt for LECA.
  • Pest Protection: LECA helps in keeping pests at bay, reducing the chances of infestations.
  • Convenient Plant Monitoring: Easily check in on your plants and monitor their health.

Let’s dive into each of these benefits to discover how they can simplify the care of your indoor plants.

LECA Simplifies Plant Watering

If you’ve cared for plants in traditional soil, you know the delicate balance it takes to avoid overwatering. It’s all too easy to drench your plants, leaving their roots submerged in soggy soil, a recipe for speedy root rot and plant demise.

Preventing overwatering in soil demands vigilant monitoring of soil moisture levels. However, with LECA, this constant vigilance becomes a thing of the past.

In the next section, we’ll delve into precisely how LECA achieves this feat in our exploration of how LECA works.

If you’re keen on more strategies to prevent overwatering, be sure to check out our guide on “How to Avoid Overwatering Your Plants.

Reduced Root Rot Risk with LECA

When you’re tending to plants in soil, you typically rely on visual cues like dry soil or the plant’s appearance to determine when it’s time to water.

However, with LECA, the watering process becomes much more straightforward. You water your plant once the water in the pot has been absorbed or the clay balls have soaked it all up from the bottom.

Even if the clay balls are still holding water, adding more won’t drown your plant. LECA ensures your plant only absorbs the moisture it needs, eliminating the risk of overwatering that often occurs when dealing with soil.

In contrast, overwatering in soil can potentially harm or kill your plant if you water when the soil is still saturated.

Additionally, LECA minimizes the chances of root rot thanks to the abundant air gaps between the clay balls. Insufficient oxygen at the root level is a common cause of root rot, but LECA resolves this issue effectively.

Worrying about your plants succumbing to root rot becomes a thing of the past when you use LECA as your growing medium.

Reduced Pest Risks with LECA

As mentioned earlier, watering your plants in LECA ensures that you only provide moisture when the bottom of the pot is dry.

This approach effectively prevents overwatering and, subsequently, lowers the risk of root rot. One of the significant challenges posed by root rot is its knack for attracting bugs and pests.

Fortunately, when you can steer clear of root rot altogether, you’re indirectly reducing the likelihood of pests invading your plants. While it doesn’t guarantee a pest-free environment, LECA significantly diminishes the risk.

Another reason LECA helps deter pests is because it differs from soil in a crucial way—it’s not a “live” growing medium.

Soil, being organic and nutrient-rich, is not only conducive to plant growth but also a welcoming habitat for insects.

These insects often carry diseases that can harm your plants. By using LECA, you minimize the chances of dealing with sickly plants caused by pest infestations.

Let me share a personal experience: I had two Alocasias, Zebrine and Polly, suffering from root rot, which attracted insects and nearly led to their demise.

However, after switching them to LECA and diligently cleaning them every week, they made a remarkable recovery and are now thriving once again. It’s safe to say that these plants will never return to soil.

Effortless Plant Check-Ins with LECA

When you grow plants in soil, you typically only get a glimpse of their roots during repotting. Between planting and repotting, you’re left in the dark about your roots’ well-being and appearance.

But, with LECA as your growing medium, you gain the superpower to inspect your plant’s roots regularly, should you choose to do so.

Now, it’s not advisable to handle your plants too frequently, as many don’t appreciate it. I personally check most of my LECA-grown plants at least once every 6 months.

During these check-ins, I take the opportunity to clean or rinse the LECA, giving me a chance to assess the condition of the roots.

The image at the top of this post provides an example of what you might see during such an inspection. It allows me to monitor root progress and make adjustments to the plant’s placement in the pot as needed.

This ability to easily “check in” on your plant is what enabled me to rescue my Alocasias from a dire situation.

I could promptly identify and remove rotting roots, preventing the spread of root rot to healthy ones. While it required effort, my plants are now thriving and rewarding me with their growth.

Now that we’ve explored some of the top benefits of using LECA for your plants, let’s delve into how LECA actually works.

Understanding your chosen growing medium is essential for tailoring your plant care routine to provide the best possible care.

How LECA Works for Your Plants

LECA Works for Your Plants

LECA offers numerous advantages, but what’s the secret behind its success? Let’s explore how you can cultivate a wide range of plants in LECA and why it’s such an effective medium.

The key principle when growing plants in LECA is ensuring that the roots are never submerged in standing water.

With LECA, you have the flexibility to establish a raised or false bottom within your pot, elevating your plant’s roots above the pot’s base.

Then, you can add water until it sits just below the plant’s roots. Here’s where the magic happens: the clay balls in LECA begin to absorb the water at the pot’s base while keeping the roots safely away from any excess moisture.

Because your plant’s roots aren’t constantly immersed in water, as is often the case with soil, they can thrive in a moist, oxygen-rich environment without the risk of overwatering.

In fact, if you’re growing thirsty plants in LECA, they’ll naturally extend their roots toward the water source at the bottom of the pot, directly absorbing the moisture they need.

This versatility makes LECA an excellent choice for a wide spectrum of plants, from water-frugal cacti to moisture-loving Alocasias.

Fertilizing Your Plants in LECA: What You Need to Know?

As mentioned earlier in this plant care guide, it’s important to understand that LECA doesn’t supply your plants with the essential nutrients they require for healthy growth.

LECA excels at maintaining proper moisture levels, but when it comes to nourishing your plants, you’ll have to take charge.

The process of providing nutrients to plants in LECA differs slightly from fertilizing plants in traditional soil. Let’s delve into the key distinctions.

Understanding Hydroponics Nutrients (Fertilizer)?

Hydroponics nutrients, also known as fertilizer, are distinct from your typical plant fertilizer. They contain special components that regular plant fertilizers don’t possess.

Regular plant fertilizers don’t require these ingredients because soil typically provides these essential nutrients to your plants.

However, since LECA lacks any inherent nutrients, hydroponics fertilizer is necessary to supplement these missing elements and maintain your plant’s health.

This crucial distinction is why you can’t use standard fertilizer for plants growing in LECA—it lacks the vital components required for their well-being.

Using Hydroponic Fertilizer with LECA

When it’s time to hydrate your LECA-grown plant, the process is straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Prepare Your Water: Begin by getting your water ready for use.
  • Add Hydroponic Fertilizer: Next, introduce the hydroponic fertilizer into the water. Ensure you mix it thoroughly. This step helps to blend the fertilizer with the water, transforming your ordinary water into a nutrient-rich hydroponic solution.
  • Water Your Plants: You can then use this nutrient solution to water any of your plants that are growing in LECA. It’s a simple yet essential pre-watering preparation that ensures your plant gets the nourishment it needs while being cultivated in LECA.

And that’s all there is to it! With this approach, you’ll effectively care for your LECA-grown plants.


LECA offers a fantastic solution for nurturing your plants without the worry of overwatering. It simplifies plant care, ensuring your green companions thrive effortlessly compared to traditional soil.

Throughout this plant care guide, we’ve explored what LECA is, how to use it, and the benefits it brings to both you and your plants.

I trust that this guide has showcased the convenience of LECA and its potential to revolutionize your plant care routine.

Feel free to share this valuable information with your friends and family so they too can discover the wonders of plant care with LECA.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post! I hope it empowers you to maintain healthy and beautiful plants.

If you’re seeking more specific plant care guides, don’t hesitate to request one tailored to your particular plant needs. Happy planting!


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