Types of Matoa Fruit

Types of Matoa Fruit

Being one gem that originated from Papua, matoa has come a long way into the hearts’ of people across the world. The two types of matoa fruit have their characteristics yet both hold numerous health benefits. Have you tried this exotic fruit before? If you love fruits such as lychee, rambutan, mangosteen, and longan, you are likely to fall in love with matoa fruit.

Types of Matoa Fruit

Coconut Matoa

Coconut Matoa

With the Latin name Pometia pinnata, matoa comes from the same Sapindaceae family-like rambutan and lychee. There are two types of matoa fruit, namely the coconut matoa and papeda matoa. Matoa fruits are typically oval with measurements of 5 to 7cm long and 3 cm wide.

Coconut matoa has a diameter of about 2.2-2.9cm, with the diameter of the seed being about 1.25-1.40cm. Coconut matoa generally has a tough and medium-thin outer skin that is green-colored. Coconut matoa has a plump and chewy flesh similar to Aceh rambutan, another specialty from Indonesia.

Papeda Matoa

Papeda Matoa

Different from coconut matoa, papeda matoa has a softer outer skin that is colored red. The flesh of papeda matoa is more sticky and wet similar to mangosteen. Papeda matoa has a diameter of 1.4-2.0 cm. Papeda matoa is known for being juicy and sweet.

What are the Benefits of Matoa?

Both types of matoa fruit have a high nutritional value and they are especially high in vitamin C and vitamin E. Thus, the number one benefit matoa gives is as a perfect source of antioxidants. As you may already know, both vitamin C and vitamin E are essential for the body to fight free radicals. Simultaneously, matoa is an excellent booster for one’s immune system.

Matoa fruit is also great for your skin as its nutritional components promote the high production of collagen and optimize skin cell regeneration. These result in healthier skin that makes you look fresh and younger.

As for another benefit, matoa fruit is known to reduce stress levels and increase your mood. It is a perfect snack for you to munch on whenever you crave sweets. By snacking on matoa fruit, you get rid of your craving and hunger without gaining weight, and at the same time provide nutrients for your body. That is a recipe for a mood booster.

How to Enjoy Matoa Fruit?

Matoa fruit is enjoyed by eating the flesh or pulp raw or serving it for beverages. Matoa is also popular to be preserved as syrup because it has high endurance, storing longer than most tropical fruit and staying good at room temperature for a few weeks. However, the flesh or pulp itself is quite perishable, only lasting for a couple of days even when refrigerated.

A higher-quality matoa fruit means better matoa in terms of freshness, taste, and endurance. Buying matoa from a trustworthy supplier like Nusagro will ensure you get only the best products. Nusagro only uses the superior seeds from old matoa fruits and cultivates them in the best soil and weather conditions in Indonesia. Thus, whichever type of matoa fruit you purchase from Nusagro, satisfaction will be guaranteed.

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